You have many options when picking an activity for a date. Is a hockey game a good option?
You should take your wife to a hockey game. Whether it is an NHL, minor league, or your recreation league game, you should take your wife to the hockey game. Although she might not understand all the rules, hockey games provide great entertainment for all audiences.
What is it like taking your wife to a game?
My Experience Taking my Wife to a Hockey Game
Where I live, hockey is not the most popular sport. I know, hard to believe. People know about it and have heard good things, but they may have not been to a game before. My wife had never been before I took her. I did not feel the need to explain the rules to her, as she knew the objective of the game was to score more goals than the other team.
Some people may need a brief overview of the game. Here is a short video that explains the rules.
After getting to the rink and sitting down, my wife did comment on how loud everything was between the live-action. In Dallas, the presentation of the game is very loud and the music is very grungy. Not a deal-breaker, but that was not the most fun part of the game for her. The Stars can be known for their laser show entertainment, so be aware of the environment you are walking into for your local team.

She did ask questions about the game as it went on which was to be expected. Overall, she had a great time and enjoyed the experience of an NHL game. The experience does depend a lot on your personality and hers. Taking a girl to the game is different than going with your buddies- expect to conversate a lot more with her about non-game related topics.
When I go to the game, I enjoy paying attention to the players and analyzing what is happening; my wife would say going to the game is for the social aspect of the time we are spending together. If you want to lock in and focus on the game alone, I would not recommend taking your wife or girlfriend.
What if She Does not Understand All the Rules?
If your girl does not understand the rules, I still recommend taking her. If her personality lends itself to asking a lot of questions to understand a topic, do some prep work or watch a game on TV and help her understand what is going on during play. The experience will be very different for her in the arena, but showing her a game beforehand will be helpful.
Another tool you can use to educate her is sending her YouTube videos. The one I posted earlier in the article is helpful, along with this one.
The most important rules to explain are basic penalties, power plays, icing, and offsides. If she can understand those topics, she will have a good grasp on the game.
When She Asks you- What Should I Wear?
The question we always love to hear from our spouse- “What should I wear to the game?” The age-old question guys have a hard time answering. If your wife or girlfriend is anything like my wife, she gets cold very easily. Since hockey arenas keep the temperature at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, she may want to wear something warm.
Pants, a normal shirt, and a jacket should get the job done. As a reminder, we live in Texas, and we might get colder a little quicker than most. Girls usually want to look cute, so a scarf or some accessories are a good fit too. You know your significant other, so adjust accordingly. If you don’t know her that well, now is a good time to ask some questions.
I wear jeans and a hockey jersey, and I feel great during the game. Also, you might want to cover up the ankles. The thermostat is set at 60, but as 20,000+ fans fill the arena, that temperature will rise to 65 degrees. If you are the type that likes to be early, it will feel colder. If you like to be right on time, grab some hot food on the way in and you should be fine.
Where Should we Sit?
The best seats in the house are top of the first section, or towards the middle of the second deck. Since every arena is different, the middle seats are usually the best ones. The more towards the middle you are, the more balanced you will be able to watch the game from end to end. Let me show you what I mean.

At the American Airlines Center, the best seats will be towards the middle of the rink, and high enough for the glass to be out of the way of your sight. I like to sit at the top of 118 or 119. Great seats are also 217 and 218. Ticket prices will be higher with better views of the game.
The best value for your money will be at the top of 117 or 120. This allows you to see the whole rink and not break the bank in the process of going to a game. Also, everything on the opposite side, mirroring the numbers I just mentioned are great as well. Make the decision based on ticket availability, and if you want to see the players jump over the boards onto the ice, or come out of the penalty box. Interestingly enough, if you have normal vision, you can still see the puck from the 300 level.
If you are feeling lucky or money is a non-issue, front row seats are quite the experience. You will only be able to see action when the puck is close to you, but it is an experience I recommend everyone do at least once. When sitting that close, it is a lot harder to track the puck, but be careful sitting to close to the glass, because when the players crunch up against it, the glass will give and be very close to hitting you.
How Much Money Should I Expect to Spend on my Date at a Hockey Game?
If you know hockey, you know one thing: playing the sport is going to cost you relative to other sports. Being a spectator of the sport is no different. Every market is going to be different, so I will tell you based on my experience in Dallas. Tickets to any professional sport in Dallas are going to be expensive. The normal factors apply to hockey in regards to price. How well is the team doing? Have we traditionally been good? How big is the arena? Will I eat before I go to the game or during? Am I going to the game on the weekend or during the week?
These questions are normal when trying to find the best time to go to a hockey game. The best time for me to go is on a Tuesday or Thursday night when tickets are cheaper than the weekend. If I sit at the top of the first deck where I would like to, I will pay about $60 a ticket. Parking cots $10 and I usually do not eat at the game. I may get a drink, costing me $10.
If you add that up, I will spend about $140 to $150 on a date night when all is said and done. The sticker price is worth it to me, cause I am an avid hockey fan. I understand that is on the expensive side, but if you are going to a nice dinner and a movie, you will look to spend north of $100 in Dallas.