My Hockey Story
On June 6, 1999, my world changed forever. The Dallas Stars won their first Stanley Cup and I fell in love with hockey. I went to my first hockey game shortly after and became enamored with how talented the players were. Knowing how to skate at a basic level, I gained respect quickly with the professionals in this sport. I have played hockey recreationally, so I understand how difficult it is to play the game at a high level.
Being born and raised in Dallas, TX, hockey takes a back to seat to other major sports. This well-known fact fuels my passion even more to communicate to the city and those around me how fun it is to watch. It is hands down the most exciting live sport to attend. Many squawk at that statement until they go watch the fast-paced action that is a hockey game.
Almost daily I find myself in a conversation about hockey either with a novice fan or experienced one about the latest hockey games. There are many quirks about this game that are not found in other common professional sports, so I hope you find this website useful no matter the skill or experience level.